December Ceramic Studio Owners Zoom Chat

Reserve your virtual space on this friendly Zoom chat with other Ceramic Studio Owners in December 2025.
We will send you login details when you book..
8th December at 1pm.
Take part in this relaxed online forum for ideas and support especially created for the 'Paint your Own Pottery' marketplace in the UK.
Stef will be hosting from our Studio here in Berkshire.
Each chat will be open for any Ceramic Studio Owner to take part in. Share tips & trends you have picked up while running your studio and don't be afraid to ask your contemporaries questions about current issues and problems you may be experiencing.
Each month we will have a loose theme to the chat in order to get the conversation started.
Share with us your frantic tales of packed studios, sore hands, tired feet and impending deadlines as we drift into the peak season for PYOP studios.