Vintage Holiday Underglaze Plate

Begin with properly fired shelf cone 04 bisque. Moisten a clean sponge and wipe bisque to remove any dust.
Find the center of the plate and mark it with a pencil (using a banding wheel helps).
Mix together UG-50 Jet Black and AC-310 Silkscreen Medium to make a paste and apply the ornaments from the DSS-0160 Vintage Holiday silkscreen (save any extra paste because we will screen these images again).
Apply the first ornament by touching the tip to the center mark. Repeat directly across (with the tip touching the center again) and then again perpendicular to the first 2. This should leave you with 4 ornaments evenly spaced around the center. You may want to wash and dry your screen between uses, but keep in mind that this will not be your final lines, so an imperfect transfer is acceptable.
Fill in between the first style ornaments with the second style ornament and repeat, totaling 4 of each ornament.
Apply 3 coats of underglaze to the details of the ornaments and in the background. Once complete add dots of UG-51 China White to the background.
Gather your extra silkscreen paste and line up your silkscreen with the image on the plate. Screen the images again to freshen up the lines.
Apply 2 coats of UG-50 Jet Black to the rim and back of the plate.
Use a damp sponge to wipe off any excess glaze from the foot of the plate.
Allow to dry completely.
Fire to shelf cone 5/6.
**If you want this plate to be functional, we would recommend applying clear glaze before firing**