
Stoneware Magma and Sandstone Vase


1. Thin SW-176 Sandstone with water to the consistency of heavy cream (about 1 part water/2 parts glaze). Pour the glaze into the vase and roll vase to coat the inside. Pour out excess and place upside down to dry.

2. Apply 3 coats of SW-176 Sandstone to a section of the vase. On the sample vase, it was applied to the neck/top and as 3 large teardrop shapes around the vase leaving space in between for glaze trailing.

3. Put SW-405 Light Magma and SW-406 Dark Magma into a slip trailer. and squiggle glaze around the shapes. 

4. Use a sponge to wipe away any glaze that may have gotten on the bottom of the vase.

5. Let dry completely.

6. Fire to shelf cone 5/6.