Morgan 12 sided kiln
K27 Morgan

The Morgan Kiln has become a stalwart of the successful PYOP studio. Countless busy studios rely on the cavernous chamber, devouring several days of wares and fire quick enough to unload within 24 hours.
One of the most significant advantages this kiln has over similar capacity larger kilns is the lower opening, making it a dream to load, without putting unnecessary strain on your back as you lower the heavy shelves into position.
Do not worry about the Morgan not fitting through your front door! It is designed to be easy to dismantle, carry in, then reassemble. You'll notice the clips on the sides in the pictures holding the separate parts of the together. Watch the video below, or download this 'how to' leaflet.
Rated to 1287C, the Morgan will comfortably fire porcelain and stoneware, yet still on a regular 240 volt, 50 amp circuit. For the much lower cone 06 firings of the Ceramic Café or Pottery Party business this means your kiln and elements have masses of power to spare, giving fast firings if required, and much longer average element life. The top row of bricks in the firing chamber are 2" high and do not hold any heating elements, this makes the rim of the chamber less susceptible to damage during loading than a weaker grooved brick.
The massive, 12-sided Morgan kiln with its 12 key digital controller is a profit centre of the busy ceramic studio. It eats up stacks of low-fire ware as well as porcelain and stoneware. It has a strong, heavy lid, however do not fret, there is a patented spring loaded lid lifted installed on these models, making lifting the lid an effortless affair. The spring will also allow you to carefully lower the lid without worring about it slamming closed as you support the weight.
It is rated to a full cone 10. At a cost per cubic foot, the Morgan is one of the most economically priced standard kilns made for us in the USA by Paragon kilns.
During busy seasons when orders are backlogged, you will be grateful you own a dependable Paragon kiln. Studio owners call these kilns real work horses. The Morgan is a popular choice for schools and colleges who require a large efficient chamber, but also need the reliability and ease of use that come with the computer controller. Spare parts are both inexpensive and reliably stock here at Hobby Ceramicraft.
The Morgan kiln uses deluxe 3" thick firebrick throughout, the sidewalls, the reversible brick bottom, and the 3" thick lid. The massive lid is heavy, however is so easy to lift with the exclusive, patented Paragon counter-balanced LiteLid. The clever LiteLid reduces the strain on you as well as the kiln body, saving it from the pressure of the lid, and in turn lengthens the life of the firebricks.
The 24" wide metal stand for the kiln supports the brick bottom with framing that is 4½" wide across the top of every side. The stand will accommodate the Kiln Vent if you require one, which can always be installed at a later date after the kiln is up and running. The stand is rock-steady, with thick 16-gauge frame, heavy 12-gauge legs and locakable wheels on each corner.
Busy studio owners love the convenience of the 12 key computer controller. With a few keystrokes, you can fire to a pyrometric cone program, or design your own firing profile with up to eight stages. The computer has multiple programmable elements to it, setting delayed starts, having the kiln tell you how much electric was used on the past firing, temperature offsets can be entered, cooling can be controlled and so many, many more features. Use as many oir as few of them as you are comfortable with. The controllers now fitted onto these kilns give you total control over every firing.
Ware may be fired directly on the bottom for full firing capacity. No need to use a shelf as a false bottom. Tapered peepholes permit a wide view without heat loss. The peepholes, top rim of firebrick, and inner lid are hardened with a special refractory coating, this protects your ware from dust and makes these surfaces last longer. You can vent the lid in two stages with the clever fall-away Prop-R-Vent, or you can have our Kiln Vent fitted if you need, either now or later as a retro-fit. (This is useful where you need to go up to 60 feet to an outside wall to ventilate, otherwise a normal small window / wall vent fan is a far cheaper solution.)
If you look at the firebrick seams in the Paragon kilns, you will see they are so tight they are barely visible. This means your kiln is rigid and will have a much longer life than looser fitting makes. The heavy duty full formed steel base strengthens the kiln to take heavy loads.
The switch box is generously louvered to allow cooling air circulate freely with a minimum of dust, and can be easily dropped forward for maintainance by the removal of just 2 screws, giving access to most of the working parts in the kiln. When the time comes when you need spares, probably elements or a relay, give us a call, Hobby Ceramicraft hold massive stocks of spares which can be despatched, often within minutes, helping you get your kiln back up and running (along with your business) in as short a time as possible.
You'll get a year's warranty on the kiln, 2 years on the computer, and advice from us for as long as you need us!
All prices plus delivery (if required) and VAT, continue to shopping basket for final price.
If delivered, the Morgan kiln is shipped in a wooden crate on a pallet, to the most accessible point by pump truck to your door. If the kiln needs to be taken through a standard width doorway then it will require dismantling and reassembling, links to video and instructional leaflet above.
If you also require Kiln shelves, we would suggest:
6 C-25H 1/2 Shelves
1 1/2" Square Posts, 8 each 1", 2", 3", 4", 5", 6"
1 jar of kiln wash
This furniture set would allow you to stack 3 full shelves in the kiln. Along with the base of the kiln that will be 4 areas to load onto. Any more shelves and you are likely to be blocking out the radiant heat from the heating elements.
The kiln will fire very hot, but remember shelves wider than 15" may be fired to cone 8, regularly firing hotter you may see the shelves warping therefore, we cannot guarantee shelves against warpage.
Easy Access Switch Box hinged at the bottom, the switch box opens forward for easy maintenance. A folding support arm holds the box in the open position. The Sentry computer controller is mounted at the top of the switch box within easy reach, not fixed to the wall in the hot environment above the kiln. Operate it when you have the kiln loaded with the pressing of a couple of buttons and the computer will take care of the rest.
Additional Dimensions
A minimum of 12" of additional clearance is required on all sides of kiln during operation. Firing chamber depth of a top loading kiln is measured from top to bottom. (Firing chamber of a front loading kiln is measured from front to rear