Advanced Snowman Plate
Begin with properly fired cone 04 bisque. Moisten a sponge and wipe bisque to remove any dust.
Using the Soft Fan with FN-001 White apply 1 coat to the front of the plate.
Cut out the 1st snowman pattern. Use the sponge to wet the bottom of the pattern and place in the center of the plate. Sponge the edges to make sure they stick down.
Using the Soft Fan with SC-45 My Blue Heaven, apply 2 coats to the front of the plate. Go over the sides of the pattern. Allow glaze to dry between coats.
Squeeze 1 TBS of SC-16 Cotton Tail onto the palette. Dip the sponge on a stick in the glaze and sponge over SL-441 Spots Stencil on front of the plate. Repeat until the front is covered.
Dip the toothbrush into the SC-16 Cotton Tail. Take your thumb and run it along with the bristles so that the glazes splatters onto the front of the plate. Repeat until the desired look is achieved. Remove the pattern before the glaze has completely dried.
Cut out the 2nd snowman pattern. Put back over where the 1st pattern was placed. Take the pencil and trace over the details of the pattern. Press hard enough to make an indent in the glaze.
Using the Script Liner with SC-16 Cotton Tail, apply 1 coat over the head and body. Shade around the edges with SC-60 Silver Lining.
Using the Script Liner with SC-11 Blue Yonder, apply 3 coats to the pompom and rim of the hat. Apply 3 coats to the scarf. Allow glaze to dry between coats.
Using the Script Liner with SC-76 Cara-Bein Blue, apply 2 coats to the top of the hat and the bottom of the scarf. Allow glaze to dry between coats.
Squeeze 1 TBS of SC-2 Melon-Choly onto the palette. Dip the sponge in the glaze and dab below the eyes.
Using the Script Liner with SC-23 Jack O’ Lantern, apply 2 coats to the nose. Allow glaze to dry between coats.
Using the Script Liner with S-2716 Celestial Blue, apply 1 coat over the top of the hat.
Squeeze 1 TBS of SC-76 Cara-Bein Blue onto the palette. Take the ST-103 Retro Star Stamp and place it design-side up. Take the sponge on a stick and gently dab it into the glaze. Sponge the stamp and press over the rim of the hat and the scarf.
Using the Detail Liner with SC-15 Tuxedo, outline the details on the snowman and make stick arms. Apply 2 coats to the eyes.
Using the Detail Liner with SC-16 Cotton Tail, make 2 dots in each eye.
Using the Soft Fan with SC-11 Blue Yonder, apply 3 coats to the back of the plate. Allow glaze to dry between coats.
Fire to cone 06.