
Refund Policy

We strive to only sell top quality products, new, unused and tested to give the best results possible when the instructions are followed.

Please inspect all goods carefully when they arrive. Due to the fragile nature of some of the ceramic products we sell, we go to extra lengths in our packaging procedures. However, occasionally a consignment may inadvertently get damaged during transit, rendering the contents unusable, if this happens to you, it is vitally important you make a note of this on the courier’s/haulier’s paperwork otherwise we will be unable to claim for any loss. Please check carefully when the parcel/pallet is being delivered, and sign the delivery form accordingly.

If you are at all unhappy with any of the products received, please give us a call and let us know!

We build our business and our reputation on supplying the finest products available to the ceramic decorating industry. We constantly keep track of manufacturer’s quality standards, making sure we never get complacent with the high standards we set ourselves. If we have sent you any item that you are unhappy with, please inform us within seven days of receipt, and explain what the problem appears to be. If you require the goods to be returned to us, please speak to us first and we will instruct you on the best way to return them to us safely. On receipt of the goods, in an unused and undamaged condition we will reimburse you for your cost of the goods. The shipping cost is not refundable, and the customer is liable for return shipping costs. A refund may not be possible if the products have been used in any way. If you have received a product from us that is faulty, again, please let us know, and in most cases we will arrange for a replacement to be sent as soon as possible, or as part of your subsequent order. It the fault being described is in any dispute, you may need to return the product to us for us to assess it, if for example, the product has been used incorrectly, perhaps not been fired to the correct temperature, we cannot be liable for the cost of the product used.

If you have placed and paid for an order which you wish to cancel, please let us know as soon as possible. You can call us on (01189 88 68 48) or email us at We aim to despatch goods within 24 hours of receiving the order, if you let us know before we despatch then we may be able to refund your shipping charge as well. If you want to return your order, you must inform us of your intention within 7 days of receipt. All goods must arrive back with us in an unused and undamaged condition to be considered for a refund.

Our liability is strictly limited to the value of any product supplied, not to any consequential loss.